Scalable SCADA & Telemetry

Our solutions are designed with built-in scalability and flexibility to meet your current and future requirements.

Scalable SCADA & Telemetry

Our solutions are designed with built-in scalability and flexibility to meet your current and future requirements.

Championing proactivity and efficiency

Future-proof your operations

Achieve reliability and resilience

In our constantly evolving word where needs and demands never remain a constant, our solutions have built in agility to give our clients what they need now as well as in the future. SCADA & Telemetry solutions are investments that should serve you well for years to come and keep you ahead of the competition.

Our engineers will work with you to design and install the ultimate monitoring and analysis data solutions to improve your operations, reduce your costs, increase your efficiencies, minimise any waste and elevate the performance of your plant and its equipment. In addition, our systems are developed to optimise the longevity of your assets and lower your maintenance costs.

You gain complete control over your site no matter its size or complexity of its needs. We are experienced in designing SCADA and Telemetry solutions for single facilities up to large-scale sites spreading over different locations.

The sophistication of the products and software we use have extensive range and resilience. They provide total grid visibility with absolute accuracy to allow for proactive maintenance, improved response times, and the efficient management of all logistics.

SCADA & Telemetry connecting every IoT & M2M device & network
Internet of Things (IOT) and Machine to Machine (M2M) device and network for complete situation awareness

United solutions

Connecting every device
and network

Experience one flawless network for mission critical voice and machine-to-machine data and grow with operational excellence. Our superior intuitive real time analysis and monitoring systems empower your personnel to gain complete situation awareness.

The solutions we design and implement bring together all devices regardless of network or carrier to eliminate the need for you to buy or manage several technologies. It's the ultimate connection enabling your two-way radios, video security, body worn cameras, smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets, and landline to work together across your physical and virtual network.

Utilising our groundbreaking feature-rich solutions you can focus on your core operations and leave the complexities of your communications systems to us. Our aim is for you to get on with what you do best and grow without barriers.

With Servicom on your side

Experience the ultimate operational efficiencies as you monitor, manage and control.

Real time monitoring and tracking capabilities enable you to make better well-informed decisions, and to respond appropriately and speedily. Notifications and event alerts will provide you with critical data to keep you informed of your assets’ operations such as status, location, and energy consumption.

  • Elevate Data Collection - Optimise and control your assets, increase safety, and keep operations running.
  • Reduce Wasted Resources - Enhance your asset performance to reduce environmental impact.
  • Improve Decision Making - End to end visibility of accurate real time data provides essential insights.
  • Reduce Operational Costs - Maximise the customer experience, lower operating costs and increase revenue.
  • Excellent range of robust devices - ensures your requirements are met with a cost-effective and future-proof solution.

Save costs, and transform business models

Contact us today to discuss your unique needs and challenges.